Máté Lachegyi
Phone: +36 30 627 40 55
We kindly ask our guests and press members not to take photos or make video or audio recordings of the festival events without contacting us in advance. As the admission at entire festival is free, requiring a press pass is not necessary.
Published by Consort Zenei Alapítvány
2600 Vác, Dombay utca 2.
Publisher: Imre Lachegyi, chairman of the board
Editor & webdesign: Máté Lachegyi
Photos of the performers used on this website are courtesy of the performer or the photographer and are used with their permission. Special thanks to István Fekete photography for the header photo (also used on the festival materials). Republishing any photos from this website are not permitted.
All events subject to the Organiser’s right to make any alterations in the cast or programme details announced on this website, other digital locations and in printed materials.
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