Concerts among the mountains
19—25 August 2024
‘Christe qui lux es’
The music of three centuries
Sebastian Consort
Concert / Medieval / Renaissance
Admission is free to the entire festival. However, we could not organize the festival without your donations. Donate »
We kindly ask you to arrive on time, as we have a first come, first seated system.
- Orsolya Ligeti — soprano
- Katinka Bűdi — alto
- Imre Lachegyi — recorder
- Benedek Rábai — rebec
- Ferenc Kócziás — renaissance trombone
- Tibor Juhász — renaissance trombone
- Árpád Reményi — lute
- Máté Lachegyi — orgoan
- Josquin des Prez c. 1450 — 1521
- Baisiez moy, NJE 28.4 — chanson
- Alexander Agricola c. 1446 — 1506
- Adieu m’amour — chanson
- Guillaume Du Fay 1397? — 1474
- Se la face ay pale — ballade / chanson
- Como o nome da Virgen / é aos bõos fremoso (Cantigas de Santa Maria, No. 194) 13th c.
- Alexander Agricola c. 1446 — 1506
- Fortuna desperata iniqua e maledecta — madrigal
Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 2 Cod 142a, fol. 46v—47
- Belial vocatur diffusa calliditas — motet (Codex Las Huelgas) 14th c.
Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas, MS s/n, fol. 82r—83r
- Guillaume de Machaut c. 1300 — 1377
- Christe qui lux es et dies / Veni creator spiritus / Tribulatio proxima est, M21 — motet
- Guillaume le Vinier c. 1190 — 1245
- Espris d’ire et d’amour — lai
- Guillaume Du Fay 1397? — 1474
- Salve, flos Tuscæ gentis — motet
Modena, Biblioteca Estense, MS. ModB, fol. 67v—68
- Bogurodzica — hymn 10—13th c.
Kcynia manuscript, c. 1408, Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, BJ Rkp. 1619a
- Francesco Landini c. 1325/35 — 1397
- Two ballatas from the Squarcialupi Codex
Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, MS Mediceo Palatino 87
- Cara mie donna (fol. 161)
- Questa fanciull’Amor (fol. 138r)
- Johannes Ciconia c. 1370 — 1412
- O felix templum jubila — motet
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canon. Misc. 213, fol. 22v—23
- Perotin c. 1155/65 — c. 1200/20
- Beata viscera — conductus
- Beata viscera — motet from the Worcester Fragments late 13th c.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. d. 20
- Juan de Urrede c. 1430 — after 1482
- Nunca fué pena mayor — villancico (Cancionero de Palacio, No. 1)
Madrid, Real Biblioteca, MS II — 1335
- Joan Ambrozio Dalza 2nd half of 15th c. — 1508
- Calata ala spagnola
Intabulatura de Lauto. Libro Quarto. Venice, 1508
- William Mundy c. 1529 — 1591
- In æternum — motet
London, British Library, Add. MS. 31390
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Concert of the Sebastian Consort in Szokolya, 2022 (photo by Dániel Bartyik)